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Metadata Guide

To ensure your data can be easily found and is considered a trusted source of information, you need good metadata. Metadata (or data about data) comes in many forms and standards, each unique to a data type and industry. To accommodate this, we have based our CNRA baseline standard on Project Open Data (POD). POD was developed by the federal government and is based on the common themes between most standards. In the Optional Advanced section, CNRA has also included fields from FGDC:CSDGM and EML for the spatial and scientific communities within the agency.

Below we have defined all fields available in’s metadata schema. The first section outlines the fields that are part of CNRA’s core standard and includes all required fields and the second section, Optional Advanced, includes the additional FGDC CSDGM and EML fields.

CNRA Standard

CNRA’s core standard, including all required fields.


Title (Required)

Human-readable name of the asset. Should be in plain English and include enough detail to facilitate search and discovery.

Notes: Avoid programmatic shorthand. For example, use "Greatest Dataset on Earth" instead of "GDOE" so the subject is easily identified. Acronyms that are understood by the greater data community such as NASA are acceptable.

URL (System Generated)

The dataset URL is system generated based on the dataset title. You may edit this field as needed.

Description (Required)

Summary explanation of dataset contents, purpose, origination, methods and usage guidance. Define all acronyms and avoid jargon where possible. Must have sufficient detail to enable a user to quickly understand whether the asset is of interest.

Tags (Required)

Enter descriptive keywords which describe the subject groups for the dataset and help it to be found in searches. Please include terms that would be used by both technical and non-technical users.

Organization (Required)

Choose from the dropdown which CNRA organization is responsible for the dataset.

Visibility (System Setting)

This field defaults to private. Once the dataset is ready for publication, set to public and save.


  • Public: visible to anyone accessing the site
  • Private: only visible to the organization

Publisher (If Applicable)

For use if publishing entity is different than Organization, Contact Name, or Program.

Program (Recommended)

Program or cross functional team name.

Homepage URL (If Applicable)

This field is not intended for an agency’s homepage (e.g., but rather if a dataset has a human-friendly hub or landing page that users can be directed to for all resources tied to the dataset.

Contact Name (Required)

Name of the person or group responsible for handling questions, comments, and requests related to the dataset.

Contact Email (Required)

Email for the person or group identified in Contact Name.

Frequency (Recommended)

How often data is scheduled to be updated/published.

Choices: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semiannual, Annual, Other

License (Required)

The license or non-license (i.e. Public Domain) status with which the dataset or API has been published. License definitions can be found here:

Public Access Level (Required)

The degree to which this dataset could be made publicly available, regardless of whether it has been made available.


  • Public: Data asset is or could be made publicly available to all without restrictions
  • Restricted: Data asset is available under certain use restrictions (Note: be sure to include use restrictions in the limitations field below)
  • Non-Public: Data asset is not available to members of the public (Note: data in this category is not recommended for this site at this time)

Limitations (Recommended)

Appropriate usage notes, disclaimers and conditions of use.

Language (Recommended)

The human language needed to understand the dataset.

Temporal Coverage (If Applicable)

The range of temporal applicability of a dataset (i.e., a start and end date of applicability for the data).

Spatial Coverage (If Applicable)

The range of spatial applicability of a dataset.

CNRA has built a map widget to make it easy to add location information to your metadata. Any dataset that includes GeoJSON will automatically populate the map.

Place Keywords (If Applicable)

The geographic name of a location covered by a data set. Use map widget to copy place names to this field. Can edit or add additional keywords in this field as needed. Note: once a keyword has been added to this field from the widget, it will need to be manually removed from this field, even if you remove it from the widget.

Bounding Coordinates (If Applicable)

The limits of coverage of a data set expressed by latitude and longitude values in the order western-most, eastern-most, northern-most, and southern-most. Adding geometry to map widget will automatically fill in bounding coordinates. You may input bounding coordinates manually or via harvest and the map will populate upon save.

Subfields: North, East, South, West Bounding Coordinates


Optional Advanced

Additional fields from FGDC:CSDGM and EML standards.


Purpose (Optional)

A summary of the intentions with which the data set was developed.

Identification Information Citation (Optional)

Information to be used to reference the data set.

Subfields: Title, Originator, Publication Date, Edition, Geospatial Data Presentation Form, Online Linkage

Credit (Optional)

Recognition of those who contributed to the data set.

Progress (Optional)

The state of the data set (e.g., draft, under review, complete).

Maintenance and Update Frequency (Optional)

The frequency with which changes and additions are made to the data set after the initial data set is completed.

Options: Continually, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually, Unknown, As needed, Irregular, None Planned, or free text

Lineage Citation (Optional)

Information about the events, parameters, and source data which constructed the data set, and information about the responsible parties.

Subfields: Title, Originator, Publication Date, Geospatial Data Presentation Form

Source Scale Denominator (Optional)

The denominator of the representative fraction on a map (for example, on a 1:24,000-scale map, the Source Scale Denominator is 24000).

Type of Source Media (Optional)

The medium of the source data set.

Source Currentness Reference (Optional)

The basis on which the source time period of content information of the source data set is determined.

Source Citation Abbreviation (Optional)

Short-form alias for the source citation.

Completeness Report (Optional)

Information about omissions, selection criteria, generalization, definitions used, and other rules used to derive the data set.

Attribute Accuracy Report (Optional)

An explanation of the accuracy of the identification of the entities and assignments of values in the data set and a description of the tests used.

Use Constraints (Optional)

Restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted. These include any use constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property, and any special restrictions or limitations on using the data set.

Point of Contact (Optional)

Contact information for an individual or organization that is knowledgeable about the data set.

Subfields: Contact Person, Contact Organization, Contact Position, Voice Telephone, Email

Point of Contact Address (Optional)

Address for an individual or organization that is knowledgeable about the data set.

Subfields: Address Type, Address, City, State, Postal Code, Country

Metadata Contact (Optional)

The party responsible for the metadata information.

Subfields: Contact Person, Contact Organization, Contact Position, Voice Telephone, Email

Metadata Contact Address (Optional)

Address for the party responsible for the metadata information.

Subfields: Address Type, Address, City, State, Postal Code, Country

Distributor Contact (Optional)

The party from whom the data set may be obtained.

Subfields: Contact Person, Contact Organization, Contact Position, Voice Telephone, Email

Distributor Contact Address (Optional)

Address for the party from whom the data set may be obtained.

Subfields: Address Type, Address, City, State, Postal Code, Country

Distribution Liability (Optional)

Statement of the liability assumed by the distributor.

Time Period of Content (Optional)

Time period(s) for which the data set corresponds to the currentness reference.

Subfields: Date, Time

Beginning Time Period of Content (Optional)

The first year (and optionally month, or month and day) and the first hour (and optionally minute, or minute and second) of the day for the event.

Subfields: Date, Time

Ending Time Period of Content (Optional)

The last year (and optionally month, or month and day) and the last hour (and optionally minute, or minute and second) of the day for the event.

Subfields: Date, Time

Temporal Keywords (Optional)

The name of a time period covered by a data set.

Currentness Reference (Optional)

The basis on which the time period of content information is determined.

Native Dataset Environment (Optional)

A description of the data set in the producer's processing environment, including items such as the name of the software (including version), the computer operating system, file name (including host-, path-, and filenames), and the data set size.

Description of Geographic Extent (Optional)

Short description of the geographic areal domain of the data set. Examples include, "Manistee River watershed", "extent of 7 ½ minute quads containing any property belonging to Yellowstone National Park", or "ponds and reservoirs larger than 2 acres in Jefferson County, Colorado". This is especially important when the extent of the data set

Map Projection Name (Optional)

Name of the map projection.

Horizontal Datum Name (Optional)

The identification given to the reference system used for defining the coordinates of points.

Stratum Keywords (Optional)

The name of a vertical location used to describe the locations covered by a data set.

Bounding Altitudes (Optional)

The limits of coverage of a data set expressed by altitude.

Subfields: Altitude Minimum, Altitude Maximum, Altitude Distance Units

Planar Coordinate Information (Optional)

Information about the coordinate system developed on the planar surface.

Subfields: Planar Coordinate Encoding Method, Abscissa Resolution, Ordinate Resolution, Planar Distance Units

Taxonomic Keywords (Optional)

Common-use words or phrases describing the taxonomy covered by the data set.

Taxonomic System Citation (Optional)

A citation for the classification system or authority used, this might include monographs (e.g., a regional flora) or on-line data sets (e.g., the USDA

PLANTS database), etc.

Identifier Contact (Optional)

The individual(s) responsible for the identification(s) of the specimens or sightings, etc.

Subfields: Contact Person, Contact Organization, Contact Position, Voice Telephone, Email

Identifier Contact Address (Optional)

Address for the individual(s) responsible for the identification(s) of the specimens or sightings, etc.

Subfields: Address Type, Address, City, State, Postal Code, Country

Taxonomic System Identification Reference Citation (Optional)

Information on any non-authoritative materials (e.g. field guides) useful for reconstructing the actual identification process.

Subfields: Originator

Vouchers Specimen (Optional)

A word or phrase describing the type of specimen collected (e.g. herbarium specimens, blood samples, photographs, individuals, or batches).

Vouchers Contact (Optional)

Information about the curator or contact person and/or agency responsible for the specimens.

Subfields: Contact Person, Contact Organization, Contact Position, Voice Telephone, Email

Vouchers Contact Address (Optional)

Address for the curator or contact person and/or agency responsible for the specimens.

Subfields: Address Type, Address, City, State, Postal Code, Country

Geologic Age (Optional)

A name, code, or date describing an event or period in geologic time, expressed either as an absolute date calculated using a named dating method, or as a relative date that is drawn from stratigraphy or biostratigraphy.

Subfields: Geologic Time Scale, Geologic Age Estimate, Geologic Age Uncertainty, Geologic Age Explanation

Beginning Geologic Age (Optional)

A name, code, or date for the beginning of an event or period in geologic time.

Subfields: Geologic Time Scale, Geologic Age Estimate, Geologic Age Uncertainty, Geologic Age Explanation

Ending Geologic Age (Optional)

A name, code, or date for the end of an event or period in geologic time.

Subfields: Geologic Time Scale, Geologic Age Estimate, Geologic Age Uncertainty, Geologic Age Explanation

Geologic Citation (Optional)

Citation for works providing detailed information about any element of the Geologic_Age. For example, a publication describing the methodology used for carbon dating or describing the basic geologic time scale in more detail could be cited here.

Want more information?

Here are links to the metadata standards represented in our schema:

To request a PDF or spreadsheet version of CNRA's schema, submit a request to our team using the contact form.