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Querying Large CSV Datasets



Use the Filter

From the CSV view page, you can select 1-add filter, 2-then select the column that has multiple similar entries, 3-then download.


Use the API

Data Source

Any type of Large file size CSV with more than one million rows.


Using the datastore URL to Query large datasets:

Downloading chunks defined by offset and limit parameters from the datastore using the following url syntax:

"{resource Id}?limit=20&offset=20"

Simply change the resource id, and set the limit and offset numbers as follows:

  • Limit = the number of records to download,
  • Offset = the position of the first record. 


So, to download the first 10 records of the dataset, use the limit parameter:

(in this case, offset parameter is not used)


To download the second 10 records of the dataset, use the limit and offset parameters like this:


Downloading the File in Chunks of 500k Records with Three Calls:

  • get first chunk of 500k rows


  • get second chunk of 500k rows


  • get third chunk of 500k rows:


CKAN Datastore Documentation: