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Search Fields

title (string)
Human-readable title of the asset

name (string)
Name of the dataset used in the dataset URL. It is system generated based on the dataset title and contains only lowercase alphanumeric, hypens, and underscore characters

notes (string)
Summary explanation of dataset contents, purpose, origination, methods and usage guidance

tags (string)
A descriptive keyword which describe the subject groups for the dataset

organization (string)
ID of the CNRA organization responsible for the dataset. The ID can be found in the organization's URL. It should contain only lowercase alphanumeric, hypens, and underscore characters

publisher (string)
Publishing entity that is different from Organization, Contact Name, or Program

program (string)
Program or cross functional team name

url (string)
URL to a human-friendly hub or landing page that users can be directed to for all resources tied to the dataset

contact_name (string)
Name of the person or group responsible for handling questions, comments, and requests related to the dataset

contact_email (string)
Email for the person or group identified in Contact Name

frequency (string)
How often data is scheduled to be updated/published.
Valid choices are [Irregular, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semiannual, Annual, Decennial, Other]

public_access_level (string)
The degree to which this dataset could be made publicly available, regardless of whether it has been made available.
Valid choices are [Public, Restricted, Non-Public]

limitations (string)
Appropriate usage notes, disclaimers and conditions of use

language (string)
The human language needed to understand the dataset

temporal_coverage (string)
The range of temporal applicability of a dataset

placeKeywords (string)
The geographic name of a location covered by a data set.
Stored as a single string and delineated by commas. Use wildcard characters at the start and end of search terms.

purpose (string)
A summary of the intentions with which the data set was developed

credit (string)
Recognition of those who contributed to the data set

progress (string)
The state of the data set (i.e. Complete, In work, Planned)

temporalKeywords (string)
Stored as a single string and delineated by commas. Use wildcard characters at the start and end of search terms.

taxonKeywords (string)
Stored as a single string and delineated by commas. Use wildcard characters at the start and end of search terms.

private (bool)
If True, private datasets will be included in the results. Only private datasets from the user’s organizations will be returned, sysadmins will be returned all private datasets.

num_tags (integer)
Number of basic tags a dataset has

num_resources (integer)
Number of resources a dataset has