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Advanced Search

This site’s search capability supports both simple and advanced search queries. Below are examples of advanced search modifiers and additional resources to help you find the datasets you need.


Search by Metadata Field

To specify a field, type the field name followed by a colon ":" and then the term you are searching for within the field. For a list of available fields, click here.

Example: title:Redwood

Boolean Operators

“AND” or “&&”

Requires both terms on either side be present for a match.

Example: Redwood AND Tree


“NOT” or “!”

Requires that the following term not be present.

Example: Tree NOT Redwood


“OR” or “||”

Requires that either/or both terms be present for a match.

Example: Redwood OR Sequoia



Requires that the following term be present.

Example: title:Redwood + Tree



Prohibits the following term.

Example: title:Tree - Redwood


Note: When specifying Boolean operators with keywords such as AND or NOT, the keywords must appear in all uppercase.


Single Character “?”

Example: Se?

Possible Matches: See, Sea, Set


Multiple Characters “*”

Example: Se*

Possible Matches: See, Sea, Set, Seal, Seam, Seat

Additional Advanced Terms

For information on even more search query parameters, check out the following pages:


Solr Standard Query Parser


Solr Query Syntax